Cara Szellemes

About 180Selfcare

Hi! I’m Cara, the founder of 180Selfcare, and I’m on a mission to empower 1 Million people to beat anxiety and depression through the power and magic of radical self-care.

In 2021, my life unravelled due to severe burnout, depression and anxiety. My life spiralled out of control and when I’d hit my lowest point, it woke me up.

I knew if I did nothing, nothing would change. 

I realised that no one was coming to save me. So I set myself a challenge–start practising radical self-care every day and share about it on Instagram, no matter what, to keep myself accountable.

Taking that first step was the hardest part of all. The voice in my head was going nuts. “You don’t deserve this. You’re not enough. You’ll probably flake out. You never finish anything you start. You’re….[imagine all the negative self-talk you can think of].”

But I did it anyway. And, within a week, everything started to transform and my life flipped 180 degrees. I began to see that this challenge was about more than just me. Looking around me, I could see I wasn’t the only one who needed a new foundation. So I founded 180Selfcare and now people all over the world have joined me in changing the narrative around self-care and transforming their lives (and the lives of others) through this one simple action.

Over the days, weeks and months (which weren’t always easy!), even through the most difficult and heartbreaking event of my life, the sudden death of my partner, I gained new inspiration and conviction to create a powerful, fulfilling life. That’s what I want everyone to experience and that’s what 180Selfcare is all about.