Watch The Radical Self-Care Summit 2022

JUNE 24 to 26, 2022 - ONLINE

Welcome to the summit!

To access each day’s sessions, simply click on the speaker you want to watch and it will take you to their session. Each day’s sessions will be available for 24 hours on this platform. If you want to make them yours for life, you can upgrade here.

Cara and Cate
Cara Szellemes & Cate Caruth

180Selfcare Founder and RSCS co-host

Welcome to the summit (with Cate Caruth)

Billy Schwer

World boxing champion, Founder and Author

How to win more often

The Merrymaker Sisters
Carla & Emma Papas

Merry Body Founders

Self-care: It’s not just bubble baths and you don’t need hours

Sheryl Anjanette
Sheryl Anjanette

Anjanette Wellness Founder

Getting past imposter syndrome

Jo Berry
Jo Berry

International Peace Ambassador

Building peace with yourself and in the world
Harrison Meagher
Harrison Meagher

Holistic Self-love coach

3 Powerful Ways to Heal & Transform Through Self-love

Rick Cowley
Rick Cowley

Vysion Quest Founder

Fulfilling your purpose

Dre McLaughlin
Dre McLaughlin

Authority Brand Coach, Author and Podcaster

There’s a devil in every level

David Baker
David Baker

Life Coach & Host of Positivity Rocks Podcast

How to go from stuck to unstoppable

Sherri Lojzer

Certified applied neuroscience consultant & Coach

Feeling all the feels

Day 2 - Full sessions available 7am 25 June EST

James Schramko
James Schramko

Lifestyle Entrepreneur Coach

How to work less and make more

Ilana Jankowitz
Ilana Jankowitz

Money Mindset Coach

Self-care and your money mindset

Kassandra Kuehl
Kassandra Kuehl

Evoq Beauty Founder

Self-care in the age of Web3

Erika Bell
Erika Bell

Beautiful Girl Gone Keto Founder

Identify what you want for yourself

Seth Perler
Seth Perler

Executive Function Coach and Host of The Executive Function Summit

Self-care and executive function

Frank Soonius
Frank Soonius

Author, Trapped in a Dream

Trapped in a dream

Austen El-Osta
Austen El-Osta

Head of SCARU

Selfcare for 21st Century living

Cate Caruth
Cate Caruth

Creative Words Founder and RSCS co-host

Welcome to the summit & Create YOUR life

Triple J
Triple J

Health Change Champion

The impact of lifestyle changes on your health

Christine Mullaney
Christine Mullaney

TedX Speaker and Brain-based coach

How to turn FEAR into FORCE

Day 3 - Full sessions available 7am 26 June EST

Pete Cohen
Pete Cohen

Mi365 Founder and bestselling author

How to create a fantastic future

Lane Kennedy
Lane Kennedy

Connected Calm Life Founder & Podcaster

Why it’s important to live mindfully and How to become more mindful in your everyday life

Azul Terronez
Azul Terronez

Founder, Authors who lead and bestselling author

How to build a meaningful business without the hustle, grind or burnout

Jessica McIlveen
Jessica McIlveen

Happy Home Program Founder and CEO

The myths around children’s emotions

Mary Steadman
Mary Steadman

Lura Lifestyle Management Co-founder

Serving Yourself To Best Serve Others-5 Cs

Max Kersting
Max Kersting

Regimen Founder & CEO

The case for self-care in modern medical tech

Judith Kohlheim
Judith Kohlheim

Keto4theSoul Founder

Changing the narrative of your future

James Peters
James Peters

Ultramarathon Runner and Transformation Coach

Rewiring your brain for happiness

Cara Szellemes
Cara Szellemes

180Selfcare Founder and RSCS co-host

Welcome to the summit and How self-care unleashes your creativity


Upgrade to get lifetime access to all sessions in multiple formats plus workbook and speaker bonuses

It's time to...

Invest in yourself so you can build your capacity to serve others

Take the steps which are right for YOU for your health and wellbeing

Connect with those who can support you as you shift your life, one day at a time, to the one you want.

Feel amazing everyday by being part of 180Selfcare through the Radical Self-care Summit

Copyright 2022 Caroline (Cara) Szellemes, all rights reserved.