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My heart holds the memory of you

A living memorial to love

I find it kinda ironic that just two weeks before Darren died, we were talking about the importance of memorials. The past three years have

Introducing the life doula.

Introducing the Life Doula

I want to introduce to you (and the world) the concept of the life doula. We have birth doulas (I was one for several years) and now, death or end-of-life doulas but google “life doula,” it is nowhere to be found… until now, of course.

what is radical self-care

What is radical self-care?

If you look at the various literature on self-care, you’ll find several definitions that look at lifestyle factors, physical and mental health and tips, from

cara on a mountain

How to do hard things

I look up at the rock face ahead of me. It is steep loose dirt, and looser rocks sit atop the ledges. I draw in a deep breath, feeling nervous, and I ponder the path above me.

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